
tips for putting your baby in child care

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tips for putting your baby in child care

During my pregnancy, I thought that I had come up with a good plan for how my husband and I were going to handle our income and my future work plans. When the baby came, things changed very quickly. I had to find a place to take my baby so that I could go back to work a few days a week. I was disappointed that our planning fell through, but after doing some digging, I found a great child care service for my baby. If you are going through the same transition, visit my blog. Here, you will find some tips that can help you choose the child care provider and how to cope with leaving your baby while you work.


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Exploring A Day In The Life At A Preschool

Are you considering enrolling your child in preschool but curious about what their day would look like? Understanding the typical schedule at a preschool can help ease any concerns you may have. Here's a breakdown of what a typical day might look like for your little one:

Morning Drop-Off and Arrival

The day usually starts with drop-off times, where parents bring their children to the preschool. This is a great time for quick updates between parents and teachers, helping to ensure everyone is on the same page regarding any special instructions or concerns for the day.

Circle Time and Morning Meeting

After drop-off, children often gather for circle time and morning meetings. This is an essential part of the day where kids come together as a group to greet each other, discuss the day's activities, sing songs, or read stories. Circle time helps foster a sense of community and sets a positive tone for the rest of the day.

Learning Centers and Structured Play

Preschools typically incorporate learning centers into their daily schedule. These centers offer various activities that focus on different areas of development, such as sensory play, art, literacy, math, and science. Children have the opportunity to explore each center independently or in small groups, promoting hands-on learning and creativity.

Snack Time

A mid-morning snack break is usually included in the schedule to refuel young minds and bodies. Snack time provides children with a chance to socialize with their peers while developing important self-help skills like pouring drinks or serving themselves snacks.

Outdoor Play

Outdoor playtime is a crucial part of the preschool experience and enables kids to be active, build motor skills, and connect with nature. Outdoor play can take place in a playground area or outdoor classroom, providing ample space for exploration and imaginative play.


Following outdoor play, children typically enjoy lunch together. Lunchtime is another opportunity for socialization and independence as kids learn to eat together and practice good table manners. Teachers may use this time to encourage healthy eating habits and promote conversation among peers.

Rest or Quiet Time

After lunch, many preschool programs incorporate a rest or quiet time period where children have the chance to recharge through napping or engaging in quiet activities like reading or puzzles. Rest time allows kids to relax and unwind before continuing with afternoon activities.

Afternoon Activities

The afternoon portion of the schedule often includes more learning centers, group activities, music and movement sessions, arts and crafts projects, or special events like guest speakers or field trips. These activities are designed to keep children engaged while promoting social, emotional, cognitive, and physical development.

Parent Pick-Up and End of Day

At the end of the day, parents arrive to pick up their children from preschool. This is another opportunity for brief communication between teachers and parents regarding their child's day, including highlights or any important information.

Contact a company like Montessori of Woodridge to learn more.